Hamrang Pishro Baya Saba
Supplier of Stone
Export Stone
From best quarries of Iran
Provide Stones from all parts of Iran
Provide Stones from all parts of Iran

High quality stone can be provided from north to south and from west to east in Iran.

Export stones
Export stones

Export high quality of stones to China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Jordan, UAE, etc

Stone Experts
Stone Experts

Our processed stones are custom-built and delivered according to our customers specifications and our experts monitor all the preparation steps.


Hamrang Pishro baya Saba Company started operating in 2012. Relying on young and educated professional members , export stone blocks .

This collection is currently under the abbreviated name of HMG in the field of supplying various types of marble, onyx , travertine, granite and limestone and has exported to countries such as: China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Jordan, UAE, etc. 

Contact us for more details.

Phone: +(98) 9351799896
